Alchemicus Games

"2019: The Arctic"

2019: The Arctic

Price: 99,00 PLN
(29.50 EUR, 34.50 USD)

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Box content

  • the main board
  • 32 resource markers
  • 3 main markers (progress of game time, applicable law, starting player)
  • 24 counters of lobbyiests
  • 51 ships
  • tokens of: mining platforms, coins, country control

Game parameters

Andrzej Kurek
strategy, ekonomy, war game
Players age
Playing time
Sandra Kochanowska, Radosław Jaszczuk

Product description

Players manage mineral companies exploring the Arctic region. They try to maximize their scores via actions which give them specific benefits, or which weaken the positions of their competitors. The game contains a large range of player interaction.

The way to gain advantage over the competition is, on one hand, an investment policy which will provide a variety of mined resources, and on the other hand, control of many deposits of the same type to dominate a given raw material segment.

To achieve these goals players influence the internal and foreign policy of the Arctic region countries (Russia, Norway, the European Union, Canada, USA). Also China’s participation in the race for access to the Arctic resources is simulated in the game.

Players may use their political influence to obtain subsidies from a given country’s budget and to protect their investments in mining platforms built on the sea with behind-the-scenes lobbying. However, the main axis of gameplay is directly influencing the countries' policies by selecting favorable political and economical actions in the countries.

Final scores depend mostly on owning many mining platforms to exploit deposits. Players may also gain points by having political influence in the country which controls the north pole at the end of the game, as well as from their company's cash at the end of the game.

UPGRADED EDITION! New wooden pieces, new player aid cards!

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